Eric Scott Bloom (1962 - ) is a multi-media fine artist. He has created extensive bodies of work in Photography, Painting, Music, Digital Enhancement & Graphic Design, Writing, and Experimental Video. All works of art presented on this site are ©EricScottBloom/MODARTIST and are solely owned by the artist. Any questions or feedback you may have is entirely welcome.
Seriously interested collectors contact me via my e-mail:
[email protected]
*Viewers can also use your browser's ZOOM function to increase or decrease the size of the imagery on this page.
Seriously interested collectors contact me via my e-mail:
[email protected]
*Viewers can also use your browser's ZOOM function to increase or decrease the size of the imagery on this page.
Film & Digital PHOTOGRAPHY
KYLE ERIC BLOOM ~ There is no subject more important to me than that of my son, Kyle. I have been photographing, painting, and filming him since he was ten seconds old, and it is this subject that gives me the most satisfaction and artistic joy. This is a self-portrait (Auto-Portrait); the artist and his prodigy, Kyle, a multi-talented artist himself. Kyle is a prodigious composer of modern classical music, cellist, painter, photographer, cartoonist, actor, and filmmaker, to name but a few of his budding talents ~ © MODARTIST
